Free PDF to Image Converter 6.4.1

Looking for a professional looking application which can convert PDF documents into Image formats for free?? If your answer is yes then you have landed on the right place as we have for you Free PDF to Image Converter 6.3.2. It is the exact thing you have been looking for as we talk of its feature, functions and performance. This PDF to Image converting software application supports a wide variety of output formats that this tool can convert into.

JPEG, BMP, PNG along with WMF and many other image formats are supported at the output. Due to its light weight installation files, the software conveniently gets downloaded and installed in your system. This tool assists you to get the Images converted easily with its user friendly and intuitive graphical user interface. 

All the benefits of Image files can be achieved with the conversion of the PDF files into all the variation of image formats it supports. Which means you can open PDF files on PCs that doesn’t have Adobe readers installed in it. These converted image files can also be easily used in WebPages. This free converter can convert one or multiple pages as per your choice. The conversions are carried out at a very fast rate plus it keeps the originality such as layout, text, formatting, pictures etc. intact. The PDF to Image converter allows you to choose from the DPI (Dot Per Inch.) that ranges from 72 to 300. Larger the DPI better will be the image quality. The built-in preview option is another remarkable feature this converter confronts you with. With the preview you can customize the output of your files and obtain the file as per your wish. 

The PDF to image converter though free is very safe to use and powerful enough to remove the encryption or password protected PDF files. We give this tool a rating of four points for performing its functions in a stellar manner. 

Publisher's description:Want to embed a PDF document in a web page that will work on computers not having Adobe Acrobat Reader? Maybe you just want to convert PDF files to images for some other reason. Free PDF to Image Converter swiftly converts bulk of PDF files to single or multi-page images while retaining the layout, images, text and formatting of the original PDF file. 

Free PDF to Image Converter retains functionality to specify page range for automated switching of PDF files to selective image format. You can convert the exact page(s) by inputting self-defined page numbers or page ranges, or just convert all pages or current page. 

Free PDF to Image Converter has a feature which provides preset DPI values to directly control the quality of output images accurately (DPI stands for Dots Per Inch.). The way to change the resolution of output images is to modify the DPI value: Higher DPI values result in larger images, while lower DPI values result in smaller images such as '96 DPI - the default', '72 DPI - Best if viewing images on monitor', '300 DPI - Best if printing images', etc. Just choose one as needed. You can also convert PDF files to dozens of common image formats and many more such as JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF, TIFF, G4 TIFF, WMF, EMF, EMF+, EPS & HTML5 with high quality. 

Free PDF to Image Converter integrates preview functionality for users to open, view, and print any PDF documents on windows operating systems with preview panel. At the same time, some metadata information like title, author, subject, etc. can be added to your PDF files to complete your PDF properties and identify your PDF document in search results. Through the PDF previewer, you may preview any of your PDF files with support for zoom in/out and Fit Width/Height/Page or switch between pages with First, Previous, Next & Last buttons. PDF viewer is advantageous to preview PDF document for converting to create images and make the conversion much more efficient. 

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