7 Tips To Improve Your AdSense CTR

CTR Tips#1. Make Your Ads Look Like Normal Content

Always use the same background color of your webpage for your ad border and background. If I wouldn’t use any border to the screen shot bellow, You can hardly differentiate AdSense ads from my content.

CTR Tips#2. Ad block placement

Try to embed your ad block within the text as much as you can. For example, in the beginning of the text, place the ad in a DIV that floats on the right:


CRT Tips#3. choose Right Ad Formats

* Use one leaderboard 728×90 text ad at the end of the article.
* Use one medium rectangle 300×250 text ad at the middle of the page somewhere among texts
* Use skyscraper 120×600 at the side column of your article.
* Try to avoid the banner ad format. ..

TR Tips#4. Link Units

* Use a vertical link unit on the top-left side where your all important navigation links are.
* Use a horizontal link unit under the logo of your site.

CTR Tips#5. Use Section Targeting For Relevant Ads

Section targeting allows you to suggest a sections of your content that you’d like to emphasize or downplay when matching ads to your site’s content. It will help you to improving your ad targeting. It’s simple. Just add a set of special HTML comment tags to your code which will mark the beginning and end of whichever section you’d like to emphasize or de-emphasize for ad targeting and use it for as many sections of a page as you like.
The HTML tags to emphasize a page section take the following format:
With these tags added to your HTML code, your final code may look like the following:

=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=windows-1252″>
=”system-status” content=”online”>
=”description” content=” How to use section targeting to get relevant ads”>
=”keywords” content=”Section targeting tips”>
=”publisher” content=”EarnMoneyOnlineTips.com”>
=”author” content=”Joynal Abedin”>

……………….This is the content of your webpage that You would like to target………………..

CTR Tips#6. Provide less links on the page

It’s obvious that when you have too many links on your webpage, the probability of clicking on your ads will decrease tremendously. So try to confine to the necessary links.

CTR Tips#7. Use Channels And Experiment

You will only find the right positions and units for your ads by experimenting. Then It will be easier for you take brilliant decision what can be right tips for improving your CTR. But, to see if any of your changes are making an impact you need to use Adsense Channels. Create a separate channel for each ad unit that you use and start a spreadsheet where you keep notes of what changes you made, and what the impact was on your CTR and eCPM rates

from earnmoneyonlinetips

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